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메뉴명:게시글상세조회 항목:(제목,작성일자 ,작성자명 )
119 다매체신고(For foreigners)
작성일자 2023-06-30
작성자 명 예방안전과
조회수 149

" you can call 119 in various ways"
*??Video call
When you can't make a voice call, you can call 119 by video call.
*??119 Report app
If you don't know the location of the site of the accident, you can use the 119 Report app, which automatically sends the user's location information to the fire department.
*??Photo and text messages
Use "send text 119" to send photos or videos of an accident.
첨부파일 001.jpg [170 Kbyte]
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